To specify the nutrient composition for a custom food, you can:
- Enter the nutrient values for the food from an external source.
- Base the nutrient analysis for the food on another item (by choosing a similar item from the data sources or from your own custom foods and recipes in the workspace).
- Set the nutrient values to zero or unknown.
You can also use a hybrid approach where you base the analysis for the food on another item, or set the values to zero or unknown, but also enter some nutrient values from another source.
To enter nutrient values for a food from an external source
- Open the food.
- On the Nutrients tab, in the Override column, enter the values for each nutrient per 100g (or, optionally, enter another weight in the Override field for Weight (g)).
- Optional: Make notes about a nutrient in the Note column.
- Values are saved automatically.
To base the analysis for a food on another item
- Open the food.
- On the Nutrients tab, in the Base analysis on dropdown list, select Other item.
- Search for and select a similar food. The values are imported from the selected food and shown in the Result column.
- Optional: For any nutrient for which you prefer to use data from another source, type the preferred value in the Override column.
- Optional: Make notes about a nutrient in the Note column.
- Values are saved automatically.
To set the nutrient values to zero or unknown
- Open the food.
- On the Nutrients tab, in the Base analysis on dropdown list, select Set to Zero or Set to Unknown.
- Optional: For any nutrient for which you prefer to use data from another source, type the preferred value in the Override column.
- Optional: Make notes about a nutrient in the Note column.
- Values are saved automatically.
When you set values to unknown, question marks are shown for the nutrients.
Please explain why I have flags ("...values have been re-derived or overridden") for the nutrient/components in an added New Food.
Hi Karyn,
Thank you for getting in touch.
This flag icon indicates that a value has been entered in the Nutrient/Overrides column for a resource (e.g., a Food), or if a calculation has occurred due to a value being entered in the Nutrient/Overrides column. For example, if you base your food on a reference food and then override the nutrient value for Sugar, Sugar would have a flag on the analysis pane, as would all the nutrients that get recalculated due to the sugar (carb, energy etc).
I hope the above answers your question. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Kind regards,
Courtney Support Team
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