Food composition data supporting the Xyris food groups


The underlying food composition data used for the Xyris food group system is AUSNUT 2011-13, which are the official food composition tables from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ).

Xyris has developed a food description database of generic foods, AusFoods, that is a user-friendly wrapper for AUSNUT 2011-3. AusFoods provides a set of food names that is more complete and structured than the ‘raw’ AUSNUT foods. Each AusFood food is mapped to a corresponding AUSNUT 2011-13 food.

Xyris has also developed a database of Australian commercial food products, AusBrands. Each of these commercial products is mapped to an AusFoods generic food (and thus back to AUSNUT 2011-13), allowing full nutrient analyses beyond those on the label, including food group analyses for the AusBrands foods.

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