Enable nutrients and components for a workspace


To enable nutrients and components for a workspace

  1. Open your workspace.
  2. On the sidebar, click Workspace Settings.
  3. Select the Nutrients & components tab.
  4. Click the Screenshot 2024-05-22 112347.png lock icon to toggle the Nutrients & components tab to ‘unlocked’. This allows you to make changes to the enabled nutrients and components.
  5. To enable or disable nutrient or components, select or clear their checkboxes.
  6. Once you have finalised your selections, click the lock icon to toggle the tab back to ‘locked’.

The changes to your Workspace Settings will be saved automatically.


  • To quickly find a nutrient or component, use     Search.
  • To find out more about a nutrient or component, hover over the info icon.


Changing enabled nutrients affects all users of a workspace and may result in changes to nutrient calculations. If you are uncertain how these changes will affect your workspace, contact Xyris support.

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