When you create a meal plan, optionally, you can set up its structure (days and dates) before you start entering the foods.
To set the meal plan details
To set up the days and dates for a meal plan:
- Open the meal plan.
- Click Edit.
- On the Foods tab, select Set meal plan duration.
- Choose By number of days or By date.
- If you are using days, enter the number of days.
- If you are using a date range, choose the date range.
Optional: Choose the frequency of the days to generate in that range. - Click Generate
- Optional: Edit the names of the days, and delete and add days, as required.
- Click Save changes.
Once you're satisfied with this draft, click Publish.
- On the Foods tab, you can see the structure you have set. Select a day to begin entering foods.
- If you don't wish to set up a plan structure beforehand, on the Foods tab, you can simply start entering foods and add days as you go by clicking Add new day.
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