In Professional, the navigation pane displays all the resources you have created. From the navigation pane, you can create new resources and view all your existing resources. Use the search bar in the navigation pane to search for resources by their name or IDs.
Use the Apply filters dropdown to set filters and conditions to the navigation pane to help you find your resources quickly
- A-Z (default)
- Recently updated
- Least recently updated
- Active
- Archived
- Unpublished
Resources and Clients
- Foods
- Recipes
- Meal plans
- Food records
- 24 hour recalls
- Clients
- User defined
- When a filter has been applied, you will see a number beside the Apply filters icon to indicate that the navigation pane results are filtered.
- The icon on each resource indicates the resource type including foods, recipes, meal plans, food records and 24 hour recalls.
Use the Viewing mode to apply additional views to your navigation pane
Show tags
- The navigation pane will display each of the tags applied to the resources
Show IDs
- The navigation pane will display with the IDs set for each of your resources where an ID 1 or ID 2 is set
Show client resources
- The navigation pane will update to show all your client-associated resources.
When a viewing mode has been applied, you will see a number beside the Apply viewing mode icon. This indicates that the navigation pane has different modes set currently and the results are based on the filter applied.
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