Archive, delete or restore a resource


In Nutrition Labelling a resource is a raw material, sub recipe or recipe. 

To archive a resource

  1. Open the resource.
  2. Click the resource the ellipsis (...) and select Archive.
  3. Click Archive <resource>.


You can restore an archived resource at any time.

To restore a resource you have previously archived

  1. To show the archived resources in this workspace, in the navigation pane, click   Apply filters. Under the Status section select Archived.
  2. In the navigation pane, click the archived resource to open it.
  3. Click the resource the ellipsis (...) and select Restore.

To delete a resource

  1. Open the resource.
  2. Click the ellipsis (...), select Delete.
  3. Click Confirm and delete.


You cannot recover a deleted resource.

Related articles

Duplicate a resource

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