CL Meat Data - Australia


Date released to October 2022

Last updated December 2003

Supplementary data for meats described using the CL (chemical lean) index. This data has been compiled using a ratio of the lean-only and separable fat-only data to yield the total fat for the specific CL value.

  • Beef - Based on 'beef,boneless,unsp,raw,lean' and 'beef,boneless,unsp,raw,fat only' from the Nuttab95 database

  • Lamb - Based on 'lamb,boneless,unsp,raw,lean' and 'lamb,boneless,unsp,raw,fat only' from the Nuttab95 database

  • Mutton - Based on unpublished data from Meat And Livestock Australia.

  • Pork - Based on 'pork,ns cut,raw,lean only' and 'pork,ns cut,raw,separable fat' from AUSNUT

Acknowledgements and thanks: MLA, Ian Eustace, Ron Tume Food Science Australia.

ID: 1655413205 Count: 16

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