Nutrition Labelling allows you to export your food label data to a CSV file. Depending on your requirements you may want to import the label information into Microsoft Access or convert it into a different file type.
To convert a CSV into a Microsoft Access database (.mdb):
- Start by exporting your label data in
- Open Microsoft Access.
- Create a new database table or open an existing one.
- Select the External Data tab.
- In the Import and Link section, select New Data Source.
- Click From file and select Text file.
- In the new window that opens, select Browse, navigate to the relevant CSV file and double-click it.
- Select the option Import the source data into a new table in the current database. After selecting this option, click OK to continue.
- On the Import Text Wizard modal, select the Delimited option and click Next.
- Under the section Choose the delimiter that separates your fields select Comma.
- Tick the First Row Contains Field Names checkbox.
- In the Text Qualifier dropdown select " and click Next.
- Click Next again.
- Choose No primary key and click Next.
- In the Import to Table field, insert a table name or keep the name provided.
- Click Finish.
- You will be prompted to save these import steps, you can choose to do so, or simply select Close.
Your new table will be visible on the side navigation pane. Double click to open it.
To convert a CSV into a tab delimited text file (.txt):
- Start by exporting your label data in
- Open the exported file in Microsoft Excel.
- Select File.
- Select Save as.
- Change the file format to Tab-delimited Text (.txt).
- Click Save.
- If you are confronted with a window stating Some features in your workbook might be lost if you save it as Tab-delimited Text (.txt). Do you want to keep using this format? select Yes.
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