Declare a recipe or sub recipe as a compound ingredient


Where a recipe or sub recipe is for use as an ingredient in other recipes, you can specify that it will be declared as a compound ingredient on nutrition labels.

A compound ingredient itself has 2 or more ingredients and appears within a label's ingredient list as its declaration name followed by its own ingredients list in parentheses ().

When declaring a recipe or sub recipe as a compound ingredient, you can provide its ingredient list for use on labels in these ways:

  • Enter a statement of ingredients (overriding the entered ingredients)
  • Let Foodworks generate the ingredient list using the recipe's or sub recipe's ingredients

Optionally, you can also assign the recipe or sub recipe to an ingredient group, which means it can be grouped in the ingredient statements on labels, see Notes.

To declare a recipe or sub recipe as a compound ingredient – with an ingredient statement

  1. Open the recipe or sub recipe.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. On the General tab, click Label declaration.
  4. In the dropdown list, to enter an ingredient statement for use on labels, select Compound ingredient.
  5. In the Declaration name box, enter the name you wish to use for this recipe or sub recipe when it is used as an ingredient.
  6. Optional: To assign this ingredient to an Ingredient Group, either type a new ingredient group name or select an existing group from the dropdown. See Notes.
  7. Enter the statement for when this recipe or sub recipe is >5% of the final recipe.
  8. From the Statement (<5%)setting dropdown, select the statement for when the recipe or sub recipe is less than 5% of the final recipe.
  9. Changes are saved automatically.

To declare a recipe or sub recipe as a compound ingredient – using its ingredients

  1. Open the recipe or sub recipe.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. On the General tab, click Label declaration.
  4. In the dropdown list, click Compound ingredient from ingredients.
  5. In the Declaration name box, enter the name you wish to use for this recipe or sub recipe when it is used as an ingredient.
  6. Optional: To assign this ingredient to an Ingredient Group, either type a new ingredient group name or select an existing group from the dropdown. See Note.
  7. Changes are saved automatically.

Notes: About ingredient groups

  • Ingredient groups are categories you define – such as fruit, nuts, milk products – to group ingredients (whether a recipe, sub recipe or raw material) when they appear in the ingredient statement of a nutrition label. For example, if the raw materials cashews and almonds have been assigned to the group nuts, then they can appear on labels as nuts (cashews, almonds).
  • When you create a new ingredient group by typing it into a resource, it is added to the dropdown list of ingredient groups, so you can then select it for other resources.
  • To use an ingredient group in a label for a final recipe, set the properties for that recipe's label: Open the recipe, click the Labelling tab, then select the ingredient group. 
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