Filter the nutrients shown in the analysis pane


To show useful subsets of nutrients in the analysis pane, you can create nutrient filters. Nutrient filters allow you to focus on the nutrients and components of interest to you, without the need to disable them in your Workspace Settings. You can apply the filter across your resources where relevant, and remove the filter at anytime when it's no longer needed. 

To create a nutrient filter

  1. Open any resource (food, recipe, food record, 24 hour recall or recipe).
  2. In the analysis pane, select Analysis, then click Screen_Shot_2023-04-04_at_12.04.49_pm.pngApply filters:
  3. In the dropdown menu, beside Nutrient Filter, click +.
  4. In the Create nutrient filter dialog, enter a name for the filter and select the nutrients of interest.
  5. Click Save changes

The nutrient filter is added to the Apply filters menu.

To apply a nutrient filter to the analyses

  1. Open a resource.
  2. Click Screen_Shot_2023-04-04_at_12.04.49_pm.pngApply filters:
  3. From the dropdown menu, select a filter:
    Screenshot 2024-05-27 140335.png

Now, in the analysis pane, just the nutrients selected in the filter are shown. For example with the General health filter applied, the analysis pane is reduced to only the nutrients of interest, see below:

Screenshot 2024-05-27 140534.png


  • To edit or delete a nutrient filter, in the analysis pane, click Apply filters and highlight the nutrient filter and select Delete. To edit the filter, select Edit
  • You can also filter based on section tags, simply apply the tags to each section, where required, and then select them from the Apply filters dialogue.


  • Any filter you create is available for all resources in the workspace.
  • The Screenshot_2023-04-27_at_9.10.59_am.png Apply filters icon will indicate when a filter is applied.
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