This article steps you through logging a multi-day food record or a 24 hour recall for your workspace or a client so that it is ready for nutritional analysis. This article is also available as a video tutorial, click to play below.
Video Tutorial
Create a food record or 24 hour recall
To create a new food record or 24 hour recall for the workspace:
- Open or create a workspace.
- In the navigation pane, select Create new resource or client > Food record or 24 hour recall.
- On the General tab for food record or recall, enter its name.
- Enter optional information as required (see below).
To create a new food record or 24 hour recall for a client:
- Open the workspace containing the client.
- In the navigation pane, select the client.
- On the client's Resources tab, click Create New and select Food record or 24 hour recall.
- On the General tab for food record or recall, enter its name.
- Enter optional information as required (see below).
Once created, the food record or 24 hour recall is also shown in the client's Resources tab.
Note – Optional fields
The optional fields on the General tab are:
- ID 1 – Assign a searchable ID number.
- ID 2 – Assign an alternative searchable ID.
- Tags – To add a tag(s) for organising and searching for this resource, hover over the field, and click Add tag.
- Description – Add a description of the meal plan.
- Notes – Add notes about the meal plan.
For a food record, set the number of days or the dates
To set the number of days (or optionally, the dates) for the food record:
- On the Foods tab, select Set food record duration.
- Enter the number of days. Alternatively, if you want to use dates, select By date and then select start and end dates.
- Click Generate.
- Optional: Rename the days, or refine the dates.
- Click Save changes.
When you click the Foods tab, these days/dates are shown.
Add meals and foods
To add meals and foods to the food record or 24 hour recall:
- Click the Foods tab.
- Click the day for which you are entering foods.
- Click the empty row beneath a meal name.
- Start typing the name of a food.
- To select a food from the list, use the mouse to click the food (or use the arrow keys to highlight the food and then press Enter).
- Enter the amount of the food as a number and a unit of measurement, for example, 1 cup. Select the unit of measurement from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Make a note about the food.
- To move to the next day in a food record, click the day.
- Repeat these steps until all the meals and foods are entered for this day.
- Changes are saved automatically.
- To publish a draft version, click Publish.
- To edit the name of a meal: Select the meal name and type the new name.
- To delete a meal: Point to the meal row, click the Ellipsis, and select Delete section.
- To add a meal: Click Add section.
Meal times are the same as sections. You can manipulate them in all the ways that you manipulate sections.
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