Use the free trial


When you sign up to, you automatically receive a free trial for 14 days. After the 14 day trial, to maintain access, you will be required to choose your plan, enter your payment details and make your first payment

To use the free trial

  1. Sign up to
    To start the free trial, go through the standard sign-up process, including creating your profile and entering your organisation details. Here's how to sign up.

For more help getting started using the free trial, see our tutorial video A quick overview video – Foodworks free trial, or reach out to our friendly support team to request a demonstration.


Your free trial is a 14 day trial for Duo. This means you have access to both Professional and Nutrition Labelling workspaces. After the 14-day trial, to maintain access, you will be required to choose your plan (e.g. Professional, Nutrition Labelling or Duo), enter your payment details and make your first payment.

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