Create a client – Overview


For each of your nutrition clients or patients, in Foodworks you can create a client. This article steps you through how to set up a client. This article is also available as a video tutorial, click to play below.  

Video Tutorial


Create a client and enter their profile details

To create a client:

  1. Open or create a workspace.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Create new resource or client and select Client.
  3. Enter their Profile details. 

Once created, the client's name, age, and sex appear in the navigation pane, as in this example:

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 10.01.46 AM.png


Entering the client's profile details enables Foodworks to calculate their BMI, Estimated Energy Requirements, and Nutrient Reference Values.


Tag a client

To organise your clients, you can create and apply multiple tags that are relevant to your work. For example, you might tag a client with the clinic in which you see them, and also with relevant health conditions. 

To tag a client:

  1. On the General tab for the client, hover over the Tags field, and click Add tag.
  2. Select a tag or create a tag.


To show client tags beside client names in the navigation pane, click the ellipsis (...) and select Show tags.

Add resources for a client

You can create resources for a client and store them on their Resources tab. You can:

To create a resource for a client:

  1. In the open client, click their Resources tab.
  2. Click Create new and select the resource type (food, recipe, meal plan, food record, or 24 hour recall). 
  3. On the General tab for the resource, enter the name of the resource.
  4. Add the details of the resource. 

You can see the resources that you've created for your client listed in the client's Resources tab. 


If you already have meal plans in your workspace that are for general use across the workspace, you can copy them to this client's Resources tab as needed. Go to the meal plan, and click the ellipsis (...) button. Select Copy to client, and then select the client.

Set custom nutrient goals for a client

To set personalised nutrient goals for a client:

  1. Click their Nutrient targets tab.
  2. For the nutrients of interest, enter minimum and/or maximum goals.


On the client's Graphs tab, you can see their nutrient intake against their goals. 

Set and log biometrics for a client

You can track a wide range of anthropometric, biochemical, and clinical biometrics for each of your clients. 

To select the biometrics to track for a client:

  1. In the open client, click their Graph tab. 
  2. Select the Biometric sub-tab.
  3. Click View available biometrics from the biometric dropdown to add anthropometric, biochemical, or clinical biometrics for tracking.
  4. To remove a biometric for this client, click View available biometrics from the biometric dropdown and unselect the relevant check boxes.

To log an entry for a biometric:

  1. On their Graphs tab, select the Biometric sub-tab.
  2. Select the biometric from the biometric dropdown.
  3. Click New Entry, and enter a value and a date.
  4. Click Save.

View progress graphs for a client

To view graphs for a client's biometrics (as set and logged on the Graphs tab):

  1. On the Biometric sub-tab, elect the biometric from the biometric dropdown.
  2. Select a time period (e.g., 2 weeks, 6 months, or All)
  3. View the biometric graph.

To view graphs related to nutrition:

  1. On the Graphs tab, select Nutrient Targets
  2. In the resource drop-down, select a client resource to base the Nutrient Targets analysis on.
  3. Select the options to view both graph and tabulated forms. 
    Screenshot 2024-06-07 121840.png
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