This article will help you get started with Health Star Ratings (HSR) in Nutrition Labelling. Health Star Ratings are a voluntary front-of-pack labelling system that rate the nutritional profile of food products. This article is also available as a video tutorial, click to play below.
Video Tutorial
Set up your workspace to calculate HSRs
Nutrition Labelling workspaces with the country set to Australia will have HSRs enabled by default. These workspaces are ready to calculate HSRs. If you are working in an Australian workspace, you can skip to Set up your raw materials.
To set up the workspace to calculate HSRs:
- On the sidebar, select Workspace settings and select the Nutrients & components tab.
- Unlock Nutrients & components.
- Select the Health Star Rating (HSR) category.
- Enable all nutrients within that category, including Health Star Rating (HSR), FVNL - Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts, Legumes and Concentrated FV - Fruits & Vegetables.
- Lock Nutrients & components.
To show HSRs on the label:
- Open your sub-recipe or recipe resource.
- Select the Labelling tab and select the HSR tab.
- Toggle on Show HSR on label.
Set up your raw materials
For each raw material, you need to provide values for both % FVNL and % Concentrated FV. For definitions and how to determine FVNL and Concentrated FV for your ingredients, see Step 5 of Section 4 in the Guide for Industry.
Foodworks will use these components to calculate the V points for your recipes.
- If an ingredient has a mix of FVNL and concentrated FV, Foodworks automatically calculates the total V points.
- You do not need to provide points for protein (P points) and fibre (F points). Foodworks calculates these values automatically and applies them to the baseline points as required.
To set the HSR components for an individual raw material:
- In Foodworks, open the raw material.
- Click the Nutrients tab.
- In the Override column, enter a value for the % FVNL and % Concentrated FV for this ingredient.
- Changes are saved automatically.
Finalising the HSR for a recipe
Foodworks calculates the HSR for your recipe from its raw materials and from the HSR category to which you assign the recipe.
To set the HSR category for the recipe:
- In Foodworks, open the recipe.
- On the General tab, select the appropriate category from the HSR/NPSC Category dropdown.
For definitions and how to determine the HSR category for your recipes, see Steps 1 and 2 of Section 4 in the Guide for Industry.
Three categories receive an automatic HSR including Plain water, Unsweetened flavoured water and Fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Additionally, there are six other HSR categories described in the Guide. These are the same categories used for nutrient profile scoring as described in the Food Standards Code.-
Category 1 - Non-dairy beverages, jellies and water-based ice confections (excluding Category 1D beverages).
Category 1D - Milk (defined in Standard 2.5.1 of the Code) and dairy beverages (including dairy alternative beverages) that meet specified dairy criteria.
Category 2 - All foods (other than those included in Category 1, 1D, 2D, 3 or 3D).
Category 2D - Dairy foods (other than those included in Category 1D or 3D) with ≥75% dairy or permitted dairy alternative content.
Category 3 - Oils and spreads, defined as follows:
1.1.1. Edible oil as defined in Standard 2.4.1 of the Code.
1.1.2. Edible oil spreads as defined in Standard 2.4.2 of the Code.
1.1.3. Margarine as defined in Standard 2.4.2 of the Code.
1.1.4. Butter as defined in Standard 2.5.5 of the Code.
Category 3D - Cheese (including surface ripened cheese) and processed cheese as defined in Standard 2.5.4 of the Code (with calcium content 320 mg/100 g).
Check the nutrients used to calculate HSRs
In your open recipe, you can see the calculated value for the HSR, in both the analysis pane and the label viewer.
To check that the necessary nutrients for HSRs are all calculated correctly:
In the analysis pane, for the following nutrients/components check that there are no question marks ? or uncertain values (values displayed in yellow), and that the value appears reasonable:
Concentrated FV
Saturated Fat
If there are question marks or uncertain values for these nutrients, investigate and resolve the issues.
To investigate issues within the recipe composition:
In the analysis pane, select the nutrient with the missing value.
Click the Ingredients tab of the recipe. Look at the nutrient-focus column to check for missing values for any of the ingredients.
Select Ellipsis to open the nested resource to make any necessary changes to the ingredients.
Displaying the HSR on a label
When displaying the HSR on your label, Foodworks provides several standard designs for the HSR system graphic that you can choose from.
For guidance on the principles of the HSR system and the details of its presentation on food packages, see the Style Guide.
To show the HSR graphic on a label:
- In the open recipe, select Label on the analysis pane.
- Select the Labelling tab, then select the HSR tab.
- Toggle on Show HSR on label.
Your label will now be displayed with the HSR graphic.
To edit the style of the HSR graphic:
- Select which version of the graphic you wish to display from the following options:
- HSR only
- HSR + Energy
- HSR + Energy + 3 prescribed nutrients
- Select the HSR mark orientation from the following options:
- Landscape
- Portrait left
- Portrait right
You may also check the box next to the QR code to display a quick response code on the label. Companies are encouraged to display a Health Star Rating QR code that directs consumers to the Health Star Rating website when scanned.
Printing the label
Now that you have your label ready, here are the options for printing or exporting your label data.
Copy to clipboard
On the label viewer, select the Copy HSR button to copy your HSR graphic to your clipboard. Once copied, you can paste the image outside the app where needed.
Generate PNG
Alternatively, you can save your entire label as a PNG. On the label viewer, simply select Generate PNG. The label will download automatically.
Exporting your HSR information
You can export the label data for all your recipes from your Foodworks workspace to a .csv file, ready for use by your label printing software.
To export the label data from your workspace:
- Open the Foodworks workspace.
- On the sidebar, select Tools and then select the Export tab.
- Use the Resources and tags to fine-tune which resources you wish to export.
- Select Export.
- Once generated, your .csv will be available to download on the Files sub-tab.
HSR label data
When you export label data, Foodworks includes information to support HSR.
The HSR columns exported are as follows:
- HSRStars – number of stars in numeric value.
HSRStyle – numeric value from 0 to 4.
- 0 = No HSR
- 1 = HSR only
- 2 = HSR + Energy
- 4 = HSR + Energy + 3 Nutrients
- HSRImage – This value corresponds to the Health Star Rating image name in the HSR Assets folder. The steps to download the HSR assets are detailed below.
HSRUnits – numeric value from 0 to 2.
- 0 = per 100g
- 1 = per 100ml
- 2 = per pack
- HSRUnitsStatement – ‘per 100g’, ‘per 100ml’ or 'per pack' in text.
- HSREnergy – energy value and unit in text.
- HSRSaturatedFat – saturated fat value and unit in text.
- HSRSugars – sugars value and unit in text.
- HSRSodium – sodium value and unit in text.
Download the HSR assets
If your labelling software requires the raw images of the HSR graphics, you can download the asset folder from
To download the HSR assets:
- Open a Foodworks Nutrition Labelling workspace.
- On the sidebar, select Tools and then select the Assets sub-tab on the Files tab.
- Select HealthStarRatings_assets to download all HSR graphics.
- Select the downloaded to unzip the assets and use the PNGs.
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