Generating Country of Origin Labels


This article will help you get started with Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) in Nutrition Labelling, CoOL can help consumers know the origin of food products you create. Nutrition Labelling helps you to comply with the requirements under the Country of Origin Food Labelling Information Standard 2016. Nutrition Labelling calculates the percentage of Australian ingredients for your recipes, helps you formulate your text statements and provides the graphical standard mark.

Set up your workspace to calculate CoOL%

Nutrition Labelling workspaces with the country set to New Zealand, will have CoOL disabled by default.

To set up a workspace to calculate CoOL%:

  1. On the sidebar, select Workspace settings and select the Nutrients & components tab.
  2. Unlock Nutrients and Components.
  3. Select the Country of Origin category. 
  4. Enable %Australia and Reconstitution Factor.
  5. Lock Nutrients and Components.

To show the CoOL mark on a label: 

  1. Open your recipe.
  2. Select the Labelling tab and select the CoOL tab.
  3. Toggle the Show CoOL on label switch.

Set up your raw materials 

The key to Country of Origin Labelling in Nutrition labelling is setting up your raw materials. For Foodworks to calculate the percentage of Australian content for your recipes, you need to set values for the percentage of Australian content for each raw material. Where the raw material is reconstituted, you also need to set a reconstitution factor.

Set the CoOL components for a raw material

To set the CoOL components for an individual raw material:

  1. In Foodworks, open the raw material.
  2. Click the Nutrients tab.
  3. In the Override column, enter a value for the CoOL components.

The CoOL components for a raw material are:

  • Australia (%) – The percentage of the raw material that is of Australian origin as defined in the legislation.
  • Reconstitution factor – This component only applies to raw materials that will be treated as reconstituted, as per the legislation (for example, fruit juice concentrates).

A reconstitution factor of 2, means 2 parts of water to 1 part of concentrate.

A reconstitution factor of 5 means 5 parts of water to 1 part of concentrate. If the raw material will not be reconstituted, you can leave this field blank.

Review the percent Australian for a recipe

To review the percentage of Australian content for a recipe:

  1. Open the recipe.
  2. In the Analysis Pane you can see the percentage of Australian content for the recipe under the Country or Origin

Create a CoOL statement

Country of Origin Labelling requirements for individual food items vary depending on whether the food is a ‘priority’ or ‘non-priority’ food, and whether it was grown, produced, made or packed in Australia or another country, as defined in the legislation. For more information, refer to ACCC: A guide for business - Country of Origin food labelling (March 2021).

Step 1 – Create a basic CoOL statement

To set the CoOL statement for the recipe, in your open recipe:

  1. Open a Nutrition Labelling workspace.
  2. Select a recipe.
  3. Click the Labelling
  4. Click the CoOL sub-tab.
  5. Select the Country of Origin from the drop-down list.
  6. Choose the Statement type from the dropdown menu, for example Made in
  7. Set whether this is a Priority food or Non-Priority food (as defined by the Country of Origin Food Labelling Information Standard 2016):
    • If this is a Priority food, continue to step 2 (standard marks will be shown).
    • If this is a Non-Priority food, choose whether to show standard marks. Note that the option to show standard marks will only be shown if applicable.

Step 2 - Change the CoOL marking orientation

To change the orientation of the CoOL graphic to suit different types of product packing:

  1. In the Labelling tab of a recipe under the CoOL sub-tab
  2. Choose either Landscape or Portrait

Step 3 - Add a highlighted ingredients phrase

To set a phrase to highlight an ingredient for a recipe:

  1. In the Labelling tab of a recipe click the CoOL sub-tab.
  2. In the Highlighted Ingredient(s) Phrase box, enter the name of a highlighted ingredient to display it within the bounds of the CoOL graphic

Step 4 - Set the text statement for varying Australian content

To use the ‘ingredient sources vary’ phrase:

  1. In the Labelling tab of a recipe click the CoOL sub-tab
  2. Add appropriate text to the Ingredient sources vary phrase box. This text should advise your customers on how to find more information about the product, for example, via a telephone number or a website address.

Printing the label

Once you have finalised your label, here are the options for printing or exporting your label data. 

Copy to clipboard

On the label viewer, select the Copy CoOL button to copy the CoOL graphic to your clipboard. Once copied, you can paste the image outside the app where needed. 

Generate PNG

Alternatively, you can save your entire label as a PNG. On the label viewer, simply select Generate PNG. The label will download automatically. 

Exporting your CoOL information

You can export your label data for all your recipes from your Foodworks workspace to a .csv file, ready for use by your label printing software.

To export the label data from your workspace: 

  1. Open the Foodworks workspace.
  2. On the sidebar, select Tools and then select the Export tab.
  3. Use the Resources and tags container to fine tune which resources you wish to export.
  4. Select Export
  5. Once generated, your .csv will be available to download on the Files sub tab.

CoOL information exported

In your exported data there will be columns specific to CoOL.

The CoOL columns exported are as follows:

  • Country of Origin – country of origin chosen by the user presented as text.
  • CountryOfOriginStatementType – numeric value from 10 to 13.
    • 10 = Made in
    • 11 = Grown in
    • 12 = Product of
    • 13 = Packed in
  • CountryOfOriginStatement – This is the text that displays the combined Country of origin and the statement type.
  • CoOLAustralianPercent – Shows the recipe’s total percentage Australian value.
  • CoOLAustralianPercentForBarChart -Shows the recipes' total percentage Australian which is referred to for displaying the correct bar chart graphic.
  • CoOLOrientation – Value of 0 or 1
    • 0 = Landscape
    • 1 = Portrait
  • IsCoOLWarning – True or false. True being there is a warning, false being there is not.
  • CoOLWarningMessage – Displays warning message associated with the recipe.
  • CoOLErrorMessage – Shows the error message associated with the recipe.
  • IsCoOLError - True or false. True being there is an error, false being there is not.
  • CoOLStandardMarks – Shows the corresponding CoOL image name in the CoOL Assets folder. The steps to download the CoOL assets are detailed below.

Download the CoOL assets

If your labelling software requires the raw images of the CoOL graphics, you can download the asset folder from

To download the CoOL assets: 

  1. Open a Foodworks Nutriton Labelling workspace.
  2. On the sidebar, select Tools, then select the Files tab and click the Assets sub tab.
  3. Select CountryofOriginLabelling_assets to download all the CoOL graphics. 
  4. Select the downloaded to unzip the assets and use the PNGs. 
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