Design a label for a recipe or sub recipe – Overview


This article steps you through how to design a label for a recipe or sub recipe. This article is also available as a video tutorial, click to play below. 

Video Tutorial

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To design a nutrition label for a recipe:

  1. Open the relevant recipe or sub recipe and click Edit
  2. Navigate to the Labelling tab.
  3. Fill in the relevant details on the General tab.
  4. On the NIP tab, enable the relevant nutrients and customise how and what you would like to display in the Nutrition Information Panel. 
  5. In the Ingredients tab, toggle on any Ingredients Groups, Characterising Components and Characterising Ingredients you would like to display on your label. 
  6. In the Statements tab, declare any Warning and Advisory statements. 
  7. In the CoOL tab, define how you would like to declare %Australia content. 
  8. In the HSR tab, decide whether you would like to print a Health Star Rating and how you would like it to be displayed for front of pack labelling. 
  9. On the Shelf life tab define how long it will take for the food to perish. 
  10. Click Publish to publish this draft. 
  11. View your label by clicking the Label side of the toggle at the top of the analysis pane.


Depending on what works best, you can either view the analysis of your recipe or the label viewer by using the toggle at the top of the Analysis pane.


Question marks (?) in labels alert you that there is missing or invalid data in the recipe and Foodworks was unable to complete its calculations.

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